Node.js & Front-end Developer en BOCÚ

Empleo finalizado - No se reciben más postulantes

The team is currently growing since the app is planning it´s initial launch this month (may 2023) with already more than 20 restaurants. Nonetheless the team is made of and expert in B2B sales specifically in the restaurant industry, an ex google that knows everything there is to know in google ads and the two cofounders that help in every area to grow the business.

Job functions

- Design and implementation of RESTful APIs made with Node.js and Express
- Developement and maintenence of serverless functions such as Cloud Functions or Lambdas
- Guarantee the performance and good practice in database queries and structuring
- Development of high performance applications in Node.js, writing code that is probable, reusable and efficient
- Execution of tests, repair of defects and assistance in internal technical support
- Ensure the proper functioning and responsiveness of graphical interfaces
- Collaboration with UX/UI designers for the planning and implementation of graphic components and development of new functionalities
- Application documentation, including database schemas, processes, and components
- Creation and maintenance of frontend applications using no-code/low-code platforms
- Publication and configuration of new versions of our applications in the Google Play Store and App Store

Qualifications and requirements

- Studies or minimum verifiable experience of 3 years in development of frontend and backend web applications
- Minimum two years of experience working with Node.js
- Experience publishing mobile applications in the Google Play Store and App Store
- Experience with Google Firebase services desirable
- Knowledge of frontend technologies such as vanilla JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS
- Goal-oriented work and problem solving


BOCÚ is a place driven to make everyone feel comfortable. We look for people to strive for the best but we do not force anyone. We want people to feel free and enjoy their work and their schedules. So as long as we manage to create a good communication and synergy with each employee we believe everything will fall into the right place.

The biggest upside is that BOCÚ offers a huge growing career opportunity, especially for this position since the candidate will be the first official developer in the team and will lead the product throughout time.

Horario flexible Entrada y salida flexibles, libertad para realizar trámites personales o familiares.
Espacios para charlas internas BOCÚ entrega espacio para realizar presentaciones o charlas en horarios de trabajo.
Ausencia por enfermedad pagada Se ofrece cobertura por días no trabajados a causa de enfermedad (pueden aplicar límites).
Bono por desempeño Existen pagos adicionales al sueldo especificado si se cumplen objetivos.
Vestimenta informal BOCÚ no exige ningún código de vestimenta.
Vacaciones extra BOCÚ otorga vacaciones pagadas adicionales al mínimo legal.
Día de cumpleaños libre El día de tu cumpleaños es canjeable por un día completo de vacaciones.
Tiempo para proyectos paralelos Es posible realizar side-projects en horario de trabajo.

Política de trabajo remoto

Remoto sólo localmente

El trabajo es 100% remoto, pero los candidatos deben residir en México para postular.

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