
Senior JS Full-Stack Developer en Moventi

Empleo finalizado - No se reciben más postulantes

We are a digital transformation and innovation consulting firm that develops solutions for corporate clients and high impact ventures. To date we have developed more than 200 digital projects, our expertise ranges from planning and development of digital products to consulting implementation and dissemination in digital media.

At Moventi we are looking for you, we know that our human talent is a key point to achieve success, so we are looking for people with DNA of passion and ingenuity to assume the Senior Full Stack Developer

Funciones del cargo

The product utilizes SDKs (Golang, Ruby on Rails, JS, Python) to automatically instrument applications, enabling developers to capture detailed debugging and monitoring data without manual code changes. Some familiarity with those languages will allow your candidate to be more efficient but are not a requirement.

We need a really senior candidate for this one, someone who can work independently. Part of the job will also involve answering community questions - the community consists of engineers hence the need to have an interest and passion for open source and technology in general.

Requerimientos del cargo

Looking for a rock-star JS engineer passionate about technology and open source, who's proficient with TypeScript, Node.js and React.js. The role is backend-focused, client's infrastructure is running fully on AWS.
Experience with one of those technologies: Golang, Python or Ruby on Rails
Advanced English
Experience with open source


Trabajo 100% remoto El cargo puede ser desempeñado desde cualquier lugar del mundo.
Vestimenta informal Moventi no exige ningún código de vestimenta.

Política de trabajo remoto

Totalmente remoto

El trabajo es 100% remoto desde cualquier país.

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