ESJ Equities

Software Engineer en ESJ Equities

Empleo finalizado - No se reciben más postulantes

At the intersection of technology and healthcare, we envision a future where medical billing is not just a necessary task but an opportunity for innovation and progress. We believe that through the power of artificial intelligence and data aggregation, we can create a platform that not only streamlines the billing process but also empowers healthcare providers to focus on what truly matters - delivering the best possible care to their patients.

We are not content with simply improving the status quo, we are driven to completely disrupt the industry and pave the way for a new era of healthcare. We want to empower healthcare providers and their patients with the tools and information they need to make informed decisions. We want to create a platform that is so efficient and user-friendly that it becomes an integral part of the healthcare ecosystem.

Job functions

We are looking for dedicated software engineers to join our team full-time to help us design medical billing software with the ability to leverage artificial intelligence and data aggregation. We measure success on a task-completion basis.

Qualifications and requirements

- Experience with Python required.
- Experience with Spark, Cassandra, Jira, Bitbucket, and Confluence strongly preferred.
- English fluency is a must.
- Full-time availability.
- Ability to work fast and efficiently.

Desirable skills

- Experience with Slack and G-suite preferred.


- Competitive salary paid in USD.

Horario flexible Entrada y salida flexibles, libertad para realizar trámites personales o familiares.

Política de trabajo remoto

Remoto sólo localmente

El trabajo es 100% remoto, pero los candidatos deben residir en Brasil, México, Chile, Colombia o Argentina para postular.

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